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Stephen Nock

Qi Gong & Thai Yoga Massage Teacher

Stephen first trained in Thai Yoga Massage in Chiang Mai in 2011 and since then has trained in 13 other styles of Thai, Ayurvedic, Balinese and Moroccan massage which he offers from his massage practice in East Dulwich:

During the Pandemic he had to close his massage business for 8 months, so took the opportunity to do some online Qi Gong teacher training with Lee Holden Qi Gong and when restrictions eased as a Forest Bathing Guide. 

Qi Gong is simple, easy to learn and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. In Chinese, Qi means 'energy' and Gong means 'work' or 'cultivate', so what you are doing in a Qi Gong class is simply cultivating energy! Some of the movements in the first part of the class are dynamic and energetic, but the class always ends with a series of more calming, meditative movements. So much so that Qi Gong is often referred to as 'moving meditation' or 'mindfulness in motion'.

And Qi Gong is as much about creating a sense of community and social connection as it is about maintaining flexibility and cultivating positive energy. So Stephen: tries to make his classes fun and chatty (he likes you to chat back too - heckling is encouraged!); and includes opportunities to socialise during lunch and in the pub after the workshop or Forest Bathing trip.

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