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Men's Naked Yoga

When: See timetable for details

Duration: details below

Where: Brewer Street Yoga, Soho
Price: £22.00 single class, bundles & passes make it significantly cheaper 

Payment Method: Book on-line, payment on the door is not possible.

Difficulty: Various, see class description

Who these classes are for: 

BSY offers a wide range of naked yoga classes for men of all abilities and experience levels.  Please check the class descriptions below and on Gymcatch prior to booking to make sure the class is right for you. 

Most of our classes are Mixed Ability or All Levels and so great if you've never done yoga before but have a reasonable degree of physical fitness but also if you have an existing practice but want an opportunity to develop and grow. Part flowing sequences and part static postures, you'll receive clear easy instructions and we will focus on key postures, breathing, developing strength and balance. You'll learn to connect mind and body and develop a deeper understanding of your own physicality.  


Some of our classes are Intermediate and require a higher level of physical fitness, though again no prior experience is required to join one of our Intermediate classes.  You can expect some inversions and power flow, and to work hard.  See below for further details of ability levels.


Our Men's Naked Yoga classes are not about touch and intimacy and there will be no 'sensual' type exercises. It's like a regular yoga class, only naked! With the exception of Friday night's Gentle-Men's Nude Yoga and Friday Night Partner Chill there is no Tantra or touch in our naked classes, and no sexual or sensual elements in any classes at all. There is occasionally partner work in some naked classes, but as with hands on adjustments it's always 'opt in' rather than 'opt out', so you can freely choose to partake in any parts of the class you feel comfortable with.




Power Flow Yoga (Men's Naked)

Power Flow Yoga is a strong practice to improve muscular strength, core stability, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. The poses within the flow can be challenging and are held slightly longer all while concentrating on your breath to remain focused and present on the mat.

Kage offers helpful and sensitive adjustments for those who want them (consent is always requested before any adjustment), whilst keeping a close eye on everyone in the room and offering individual feedback to ensure everyone is working to the best of their abilities.

The class focuses on key postures, breathing, developing strength, and balance. You'll learn to connect mind and body and develop a deeper understanding of your own physicality. No prior experience is necessary, and the class is friendly and fun.


Ability Level


60 min


Kage Douglas



Yoga Flow (Men's Naked)

This is a fast-paced ambitious class, which leaves you with a real sense of accomplishment. Andrea leads a strong flowing class loosely based on traditional yoga flows but with his own dynamic spin. He offers helpful adjustments for those who want them (consent is always requested before any adjustment), whilst keeping a close eye on everyone in the room and offering individual feedback to ensure everyone is working to the best of their abilities.

This class is great if you've done yoga before and have a reasonable degree of physical fitness and if want an opportunity to develop and grow. Prior yoga experience is recommended though not essential for those in good physical condition. Whatever your history, you're guaranteed to break a sweat!

This is an Intermediate class so a good level of fitness is required and expect to work hard.


Ability Level


60 min


Andrea Massari



Men's Naked Yoga (Level One)

Ideal for beginners and as an introduction to yoga, this is an accessible naked Hatha Yoga (i.e. making shapes with a moment between each one) class taught at a steady pace. It’s a playful and welcoming class, perfect for your first time, but also ideal for experienced yogis who are looking for an opportunity to reconnect with the fundamentals of yoga and test themselves too.

This class will build technique, balance and strength. It will allow you to experience what simple Asanas have to offer and how those poses benefit your body and mind. Matthew offers helpful and sensitive adjustments for those who want them (consent is always requested before any adjustment), whilst keeping a close eye on everyone in the room and offering individual feedback to ensure everyone is working to the best of their abilities.

The class may include some partner yoga. This involves sharing a posture with another yogi and brings a deeper understanding to the shape whilst also being a fun way to meet other yogis and share experiences. You will need to be comfortable with touching and being touched by other men in a non-sexual way.

No prior experience is necessary, and the class is friendly and fun.


Ability Level


75 min

Level One

Matthew Gough


Mobility Yoga (Mens Naked)

Friendly small group yoga class for gay men and their male friends.

Learn how to increase your range of movement in a healthy holistic way. Whilst deeply meditative at the beginning and the end, the central part of this class has a focus on technique with helpful achievable options being given to students whatever level you are at. Looking at a series of different poses each week you'll quickly develop strength and stamina over a short space of time!

A class for all levels, this traditional Hatha Yoga class is for those who struggle to touch their toes but also for those who want to achieve splits or get overspills but all with something in common; loving the feeling of freedom that comes from being naked in a safe environment whilst building strength, flexibility and body confidence.

75 mins of body positivity in a healthy, kind and loving space that welcomes all shapes and focuses on the development of our temple, our bodies.

Whilst you may not work up a sweat, you will work at a comfortable level for you, and will quickly discover that you are able to do things you never thought possible!


Ability Level


75 min

Mixed Ability

Adrian Martel



Gentle-men's Nude Yoga

A more chilled out naked yoga class, perfect for beginners to gain their first experience of naked yoga, but also great for more advanced practitioners who like to socialise on the mat as well as off the mat. In this class you'll work to gain a deeper experience of the mind/body connection, with Peter guiding you expertly into shapes that you'll experience from the inside as well as appreciate from the outside.

The class includes some partner yoga and mindful somatic (connecting body and mind) and tantra practice and may include touch as a therapeutic tool, for example resting your hand on a partner's chest as he rests his hand on yours to create a deeper connection during a shared breathing exercise. You will need to be comfortable with touching and being touched by other men in a non-sexual way. Please note that this is not couples yoga. If you attend as a couple you will be expected to work with the other men in the room.

This class is designed to compliment Partner Chill, which follows shortly after, and so by doing both classes it's a great way to spend your evening naked and in the company of like-minded guys!


Ability Level


75 min

Mixed Ability

Peter Ibruegger


Men's Naked Yoga - Partner Chill

Friday night is chillout night... join one of BSYs amazing teachers for a relaxing and playful class that is all about partner poses (no need to bring a partner, your teacher will pair you up for those poses and you'll work with various partners appropriate to your height/weight/build) and held shared stretches to work out the tensions of the week and prepare you for the weekend. Please note that this is not couples yoga. If you attend as a couple you will be expected to work with the other men in the room.

This class is perfect as an introduction to yoga or if you have an existing practice but want an opportunity to get a different perspective on familiar poses. You'll explore mutual trust and shared responsibility as you work together with a second yogi, not just on making fun shapes and deepening your physical practice, but also on synchronising your mind and breathing.

Like all our naked classes, this session is not about intimacy and there are no 'sensual' type exercises, though partner work necessitates physical contact with others and you will need to be comfortable with touching and being touched by other men in a non-sexual way.

If you're keen to spend your whole Friday evening in the company of other like-minded guys, why not consider 'doing the double' and joining Peter at 5pm for Gentle-Men's Nude Yoga?

Note that this class is taught by a different teacher each week: you'll see who's teaching a particular class when you book your space on Gymcatch.


Ability Level


75 min

Mixed Ability




Weekend Warriors (Men's Naked Yoga)

Our flagship and one of our most popular classes, this Sunday Morning Special showcases a selection of your favourite BSY teachers on rotation, and the occasional very special guest teacher! Regardless of who's teaching, the class will feature a series of poses to energise and inspire, rejuvenate and uplift, and may include some accessible flowing sequences as well as some simple breathing exercises.

It's a celebration of our wonderful naked yoga family and, as each week will be led by a different teacher, you'll taste a different flavour of yoga each week, with each bringing their own ideas, strengths, and unique teaching style to the class. It's a social class, and a group of students often go for brunch or coffee afterwards.

Note that this class is taught by a different teacher each week: you'll see who's teaching a particular class when you book your space on gymcatch.


Ability Level


75 min

Mixed Ability

Ability Levels

Mixed Ability

Most of our classes are mixed ability, i.e. containing elements of Level One and Level Two classes. It's intentional that there will be some parts that challenge you and at first you may not be able to do, but this shows you where the next steps are on your yoga journey and demonstrate the importance of foundational shapes and techniques.

These classes are ideal for beginners or first timers and a great place to start your yoga journey. They are also ideal for those with a committed regular practice.

All Levels

Similar to Mixed Ability, these classes are a mix of Level One and Level Two, but contain a more energetic cardiovascular element.

Whilst more focused to those with an existing practice, these classes are also suitable for beginners or first time yogis.

Level One/Beginners

An accessible class for all. Includes floorwork, standing postures, some balance. Breathwork may be included. There may be some limited slow flow.

These classes are ideal for your first experience of yoga, and can provide a springboard into other classes.

Level Two/Intermediate

A stronger class, containing dynamic flowing sequences and/or more advanced postures. Expect to work up a sweat. Whilst you will receive less specific cuing than a Level One class you do not need to be an experienced yogi to benefit, and variations and options will be provided.

Level Three/Advanced

A strong and intense class, you can expect power-flow and/or advanced postures which may include handstands and advance arm balances.

Not for the faint-hearted, Level Three classes require prior yoga experience and are not suitable for beginners.


What to wear/bring:

  • These are naturist classes so no clothing please, no exceptions.

  • A yoga mat if you have one, otherwise studio mats are available.

  • Bricks and straps are provided should you want them.

  • There is a changing room but no shower facilities at this venue.


Please arrive 15 mins before your class is due to start.


Life sometimes puts unavoidable delays in our path, and if something means you'll be late for certain classes please don't worry: you're welcome to join when you arrive (within reason!), though for some classes this isn't possible. Please check the class description.  All we ask is that you let us know so we can prepare a space for you and let the other students know that we'll have a late joiner. 

How many students will there be? 

In-Studio classes are limited to 20 students with 1.5m physical distancing.


Please have a look at the Yoga and Health section before attending a class for the first time. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us in advance of attending a class. 

I still have questions! 

That's totally fine! Have a look at our FAQ section and if that still doesn't answer your question drop us an email here.

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