Hand-balancing Workshops with Paul
Saturday 24th September 2.30pm - Forearm balances & Headstand Variations
Satursday 1st October 2.30pm - Handstands & Flying Crow
Where: Brewer Street Yoga
Price: £25 per session, or £40 for both sessions
Payment Method: Book on-line
Difficulty: Intermediate - a good level of physical fitness is recommended
Who this class is for:
Working on Flying Crow, but you can't *quite* get the balance? Struggling to find the edge in Pincha Mayurasana (forearm stand)? Well these workshops are for you!
Join Paul for these semi-regular two hour workshops where he'll take you through a series of intermediate level hand and arm balances, answering your specific questions and challenges, to help you evolve your practice to the next level. Each session will run through a series of warm-ups and inversion specific drills leading to a different 'peak pose'. They're all are shapes that appear in his Rocket Inspired Saturday morning 10am weekly class.
These first two sessions are available to book individually, but you can also pay for them together using the special bundle of two for a reduced price. After you've purchased the bundle make sure to still book the two workshops. Full details on Gymcatch here.
Come prepared with an open mind and be ready to work hard!
.What to wear/Things you'll need for this workshop:
Comfortable clothes that you can easily move around in: shorts and a T-shirt or vest top are perfect, though most guys end up shirtless in these sessions for practical reasons!
A yoga mat if you have one, otherwise studio mats are available.
A refillable water bottle (not plastic please) and a towel if you choose to.
Note that there are no shower facilities at this venue.

Life sometimes puts unavoidable delays in our path, and if something means you'll be late please don't worry: you're welcome to join when you arrive (within reason!) . All we ask is that you let us know so we can let the other students know.
How many students will there be?
These workshops are limited to 12 students.
Please have a look at the Yoga and Health section before attending a class for the first time. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us in advance of attending a class.
I still have questions!
That's totally fine! Have a look at our FAQ section and if that still doesn't answer your question drop us an email here.